Welcome to 3rd/4th Grade


I hope you had a fun, relaxing summer. We are going to have a great year of playing, learning, and growing together in 2013-2014.  Let’s get started!


Our theme for this year is:   CONNECTIONS

Congratulations, you found the hidden message!
When I think of the word, “connections”, the first thing that comes to my mind is a spider web. If you look at it closely, you’ll see that there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of connections.  Perhaps the most interesting thing is that no matter where you go on the web, it’s impossible to not affect every other connection on the web too.  The next time you find a spider web, see if you can jiggle one part of the web without making any other part move.  I bet you can’t.


Our lives are like the connections on the spider’s web.  Each of us is connected in countless ways to each other, our environment, and even people from ancient history.  Did one of your great, great, great grandparents arrive with Christopher Columbus on the Mayflower?  Is one of your ancestors someone famous from history like a president, king, inventor, or great warrior?  Talk to your parents and grandparents.  They probably know.

We will think about our theme in as many ways as we can throughout the year.  One of the ways you can help is to share your very own “I Spy a CONNECTION” with the class.  Raise your hand and tell us what you came up with.

The main questions I want you to consider are:

  • How am I connected to other people?
  • How do my actions affect the environment we live in?
  • How do the things I study in school connect with my life?

Let’s make all of our connections good ones!