
I don’t give a lot of homework for 3rd/4th grade, but when I do, I expect it to be turned in on time.  I’m looking for best effort, not perfection!  Most of our learning will take place during the school day.

  • Spelling Words:  Each week students will have 20 words to learn.  The first 15 words will be their spelling grade, and the last 5 challenge words will be extra credit.  We’re learning 5th grade words this year, so with that extra challenge it’ll be important to review the words at home during the week.
  • Reading Logs:  Students will need to keep a reading log and have it signed by a parent each week.  I would like students to read a book of their choice for an average of 20 minutes per day at home or in the car.  To be effective, the book should be at an appropriate reading level.  The Indiana Department of Education is providing Indiana students FREE access to thousands of quality books online.  Click on this link to log in to myON Books.  For every book we read, we’ll add a segment to our reading caterpillar.  Let’s see how long we can make it grow this year!

reading catepilar